Version 3.3.6 October 29, 2018. - Fixed: Direct Download Template Close Link. - Fixed: The extra addition of the slashes in the enqueue style. - Fixed: Share count not working issue due to some API changes. - Improvement: Addition of the version number to the Convert Plus CSS and JS files. Version 3.3.5 September 12, 2018. - Fixes: Added 'after_cp_activate' action hook. - Fixed: Error_logs for Geolocation. - Fixed: PharData class not exist error. Version 3.3.4 September 05, 2018. - Fixes: GEO Location breaks the site. - Fixes: Contact not submitted with infobar and Slide in for Zapier. Version 3.3.3 September 03, 2018. - New: GEO Location target setting to display or hide module in a particular country or countries. - New: Option to change the Email address to receive Error notification. - New: Option to close gravity form from Convert Plus modules after form submission. - Improvement: Changed Google+ icon in social media style. - Fixed: YouTube Autoplay video not getting closed. - Fixed: Audio not closed on popup close event for autoplay video. - Fixed: PDF file name set to NAN. - Fixed: Inline modal popup background issue. Version July 25, 2018. - Fixed: Inline modal popup background issue. - Fixed: Downloaded pdf name is set to NAN. Version 3.3.2 July 24, 2018. - New: Feature to export Analytics. - New: Prevent form submission for particular domain email IDs. - New: Introduced lazy load images. - New: Introduced Subscriber/ Newsletter template for Slide In. - New: Introduced a filter to display specific Convert Plus module if some URL parameters set. - Improvement: Download multiple files after redirect URL on form submission. - Fixed: Space and scroll issue for the modal popup. - Fixed: HTML in Checkbox label is broken. Version 3.3.1 July 2, 2018. - New: Honeypot field to prevent spam entries through Convert Plus opt-in forms. - New: HTML support for checkbox label. - New: HTML code can be added to input field name. - Improvement: Number field CSS to remove arrows from the field. - Fixed: Import modules issue while importing templates from the Convert Plus site. - Fixed: Creating variant failed to duplicate the parent style. - Fixed: Inline form misalignment issue. - Fixed: SendGrid list not visible in Connects dashboard. - Fixed: Modal's full screen background color not visible. - Fixed: Modal's overlay background image not getting exported. Version 3.3.0 May 25 2018. - New: Custom form analytics for Contact form 7, Gravity form and Ninja form. - New: Added option to disable data storage in WordPress backend. - New: Background image option for overlay. - New: Custom selector to trigger popup. - New: Option to add Custom class for modules. - Fixed: Conflict with Wp Emember plugin. - Fixed: Default Campaign not created. - Fixed: Checkbox Field in form is not working in Firefox and Safari. - Fixed: Background image issue for preset styles. - Improvement: Changed license to GPL v2. Version 3.2.3 April 23 2018. - Fixed: WordPress user role added to site due to insynch addons missing settings. Version April 20 2018. - Improvement: Feature to alot WordPress user role to subscribed user. Version 3.2.2 April 11 2018. - Improvement: Feature to alot WordPress user role to subscribed user. Version 3.2.1 April 11 2018. - New: Included style name in subscriber notification email. - New: Added custom field for passing user IP address & time. - New: Added feature to set subscribed user as a WordPress user for site. - New: Added Instagram network in social media styles. - Improvement: Users can share as many images as they want on Pinterest (through Social styles). - Fixed: Conflict with Divi visual builder. - Fixed: Conflict with The-Voux theme. - Fixed: Image upload issue. - Fixed: Scheduler status not visible. - Fixed: PHPCS error. - Fixed: Duplicate form ID issue. Version 3.2.0 Feb 01 2018. - New: License Registration screen and process. - Fixed: Close popup on gravity form submission. - Fixed: Info bar push page down issue with Avada theme. - Fixed: An empty row content issue for Avada theme. - Fixed: Scroll function called on every scroll event causing the delay for page. - Fixed: Impression count not working. - Fixed: Video autoplay not working. - Fixed: Modal Autoclose not working. - Fixed: HTML syntax error for data-form-layout. - Fixed: Fullscreen modal space issue. - Fixed: HTML from success message not working. - Fixed: Slide In image gets cut on multiple page refresh. Version 3.1.3 Dec 22 2017. - Fixed: Hide on devices not working. - Fixed: Contact not getting added for default campaign. - Fixed: Theme added empty row id load after post enabled. Version 3.1.2 Dec 15 2017. - Fixed: Infobar Page push down issue. - Fixed: Infinite refresh loop on click of "Delete" button. - Fixed: Infobar scroll issue for push page down on IOS devices. - Fixed: Infobar manual display shortcode doesn't work. - Fixed: Page scroll issue while Infobar or Slide In open on mobile devices. - Fixed: Conflict with Jobster theme. - Fixed: Conflict with Amazone link builder plugin. - New: Delete all style functionality. Version 3.1.1 Dec 7 2017. - Fixed: License page not working issue. Version 3.1.0 Dec 5, 2017. - New: Added Gradient background option for the Jugaad style. - New: Added text color option for the modal and slide-ins success message. - New: Option to open redirection URL in new tab. - Improvement: Show/ hide option added in logged in user targeting option. - Improvement: Accept HTML tags in content for the Email notification. - Improvement: JS optimisation on the frontend. - Fixed: Close option not working for info bar in Mozilla browser. - Fixed: Inline module's impression count not working. - Fixed: Focus issue with form field input. - Fixed: Slide-in visibility on the front end. - Fixed: Slide-in does not open on the second click while using click event. - Fixed: Same Slide-in open on click of inputs from the inline slide in. - Fixed: Default position for module image not working. - Fixed: Info bar issue with Push down the page. - Fixed: Schedule option not working issue for modules. - Fixed: Target page settings not working for WooCommerce archive pages. Version 3.0.3 Oct 10, 2017. - New: New gradient background option for module. - Fixed: Conflict with Imagify plugin. - Fixed: Conflict with WP Fastest Cache plugin. - Fixed: JS error due to frosty not defined. - Fixed: Issue of subscribe button is not focused on tab event. - Fixed: Referrer detection not working issue. - Fixed: iPhone input field focus not set issue. - Fixed: Lead data not passed issue. - Fixed: JS error due to url_arr not defined. - Fixed: Target page setting not working for categories and tags. - Fixed: File export issue for user if header not set. - Fixed: Advance border issue for slide-in. - Fixed: Infobar page push not working. - Fixed: Gravity form not working with infobar. - Fixed: Gradient image issue. - Fixed: Delete style option from customizer not working. - Fixed: Default campaign not created on first installation. Version 3.0.2 Sep 20, 2017. - New: Introduced a filter to change countdown timers label for language specific popup. - New: Introduced countdown template for infobar. - New: Introduced border radius option for countdown background. - Security Fix: A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was discovered in links. - Fixed: Slide-in opt-in widget issue - Minimize slide-in option not working properly if more than one slide-in present. - Fixed: Slide-in image position issue for free widget. - Fixed: Social count not working. - Fixed: Plugin settings URL not working. - Fixed: Frosty issue. Version 3.0.1 Sep 6, 2017. -New: Display after refreshing page x number of times. -New: Feature to export contacts from all campaigns. -New: Feature to close an inline form after submission. -New: Added option to set subject and message for subscriber email notification. -New: Enabling or disabling a popup for specific user roles. -New: Multiple Selections to delete modal. -Improvements: Add localization support for countdown template. -Improvements: Pagination improvement. -Fixed: Blur text issue on retina display. -Fixed: Social media count not working due to API changes. -Fixed: Performance improvement. -Fixed: Tooltip improvement. -Fixed: If search result is empty, do not display pagination. -Fixed: If search result has more than limits then only pagination will visible. -Fixed: Email notification not working for all connects. -Fixed: Reduce Ajax call resources - Count unique impressions only. -Fixed: Special characters in inline modules are not visible. Version 3.0.0 July 5, 2017 - New: ConvertPlug rebranded to Convert Plus. Version 2.4.2 June 15, 2017 - New: Added a typography option for close link tooltip of modal. - New: Email notifications for all campaigns. - New: Added checkbox field to form builder. - New: Added option to set subject and message for subscriber email notification. - New: Multiple email ID's can be added to receive subscriber notifications. - New: Hidden field that contain page_url name will generate current page URL. - Fixed: Template import does not work due to server configuration blocking file_allow_url. - Fixed: YouTube video not playing automatically if triggered with short-code. - Fixed: Free ebook templates background color not applied issue. - Fixed: Update contact if user is already subscribed for default campaign. - Fixed: Disabled impression count setting not working for inline modal. - Fixed: Option for Attached email field for layout 3 not working. - Fixed: Form Layout not working in customizer. Version May 29, 2017 - New: Option to add typography options to modal tool tip. - Fixed: Text blur issue on safari. - Fixed: Template import not working due to server configuration block the file_allow_url. - Fixed: YouTube video not playing automatically if launch with short-code. - Fixed: Scroll issue if inline shortcode used. Version 2.4.1 May 27, 2017 - Fixed: Info bar CSS issue for safari. - Fixed: Conflict due to disabled class with bootstrap CSS. - Fixed: Conflict due to Imagify plug in. - Fixed: Conflict with OptimizePress Experiments. - Fixed: PHP warning notices. - Fixed: Impression count issue for more than one module open at same time. - Fixed: Redirect URL issue if pop up is blocked. - Fixed: Special character issue from affiliate link. - Fixed: Close link cut issue for Firefox. - New: Option to minimize style on click of complete header. Version 2.4.0 April 24, 2017 - New: Patched XSS Vulnerabilities - New: Added border and font option for toggle buttons - New: Added the shake animation effect for input field validation - New: Added an option to disable Impression Count - New: Added a feature to delete contacts from campaign - New: Added an option to make the button link NoFollow - Fixed: Compatibility issues for PHP 5.3 - Fixed: Z index issue with a manual click trigger - Fixed: Modal gets stuck on safari browser on scroll trigger - Fixed: Contact form 7, comment form, registration form contact sync not working with default campaign - Fixed: Alt text not set for all images - Fixed: Download issue with PDF file for iPhone users - Fixed: Campaign multiple list names not visible - Fixed: Slide in opt-in widget minimize initially option not working - Fixed: Create Campaign link does not work in editor - Fixed: SSL security issue after site migration Version 2.3.3 March 6, 2017 - IMPORTANT SECURITY FIXES:Info bar module export functionality bugs. - Fix: Removed PHP notices on style list screen. - Improvement: Code hardening for better security. - Improvement: Added user capability checks for admin actions. - Improvement: General code clean up. Version Feb 24, 2017 - Fixed: Vulnerability in adding subscriber to list method - Improvement: Export style and contacts using WordPress actions Version 2.3.2 - Jan 31, 2017 - New: Subscriber email notification for Default campaign - New: Dynamic share count for Social Media Styles - New: Font family option for close text - New: Two or more slide Ins open on the same page if one of them is floating social media style - Improvement: Cookie functionality for variant styles - Improvement: Fallback to wp_get_attachment_image_url function - Improvement: Referral detection functionality - Improvement: Hide on devices option for mobile - Fixed: Conflict with FlatSome theme - Fixed: Function name Conflict with dynamic X Theme - Fixed: CSS conflict for placeholder with Imprezia theme - Fixed: Style Import/Export issue with SMTP Postman plugin - Fixed: Conflict with WP All import plugin - Fixed: Tool-tip conflict with Optimizely plugin - Fixed: Scrollbar error for Slide In - Fixed: Pinterest JS issue - Fixed: Modal elements overlapping other elements even after closing - Fixed: YouTube style border appearing issue - Fixed: Border property not working for variant style in customizer - Fixed: After Form Submission error for "Do nothing" option Version 2.3.1 - June 20, 2016 - New: Social media with form modal style - New: Social article modal style - New: Free widget slide in style - New: Filter hook for target page settings - New: HTML tags allowed in success and failure message after form submission - New: Added input box radius option - New: Added option to set timeout to display close button - New: Retrieving alt attribute for media images - New: Added download file option after redirection - New: Added positions for close button - New: Added option to appear module when user scrolls to a certain ID or Class on the page - New: Added option to auto close module - New: Added option to set actions after successful form submission - New: Added option to minimize optin widget slide in style on load - New: Added option to attach input field and submit button - Improvement: Display style edit link at front end only for users who has access to ConvertPlus - Improvement: Fixed conflicts with WooCommerce, Ultimate Member and Blog Manager plugin - Fixed: Mod security for relative image path - Fixed: Modal overlapping on other HTML containers after closing - Fixed: Sanitize folder name issue while importing style - Fixed: Custom CSS style including multiple times Version 2.3.0 - May 19, 2016 - New: Introduced 30+ new styles - New: Introduced social media styles - New: Introduced floating social bar style - New: Introduced predefined images set for close image - New: Introduced style importer which will import hot link images into WP Media - New: Introduced image source option - Improvement: Google font import / export through style exporter - Improvement: Something went wrong email notification to administrator - Fixed: Fatal error for memory exhausted issue, improved target pages setting - Fixed: Form field values in customizer are not saving - Fixed: Conflict with WooCommerce update counter - Fixed: File permissions issue while style import Version 2.2.0 - March 31, 2016 - New: Introduced new option to control double optin setting for third party mailers - New: Introduced new setting to manage ConvertPlus dashboard access for user roles - New: Introduced new height option for textarea field in form designer - New: Introduced new shadow option for input field in form designer - Improvement: Partial AJAX call in customizer to improve customizer performance - Improvement: Odd fields support for Form Layout 2 - Fixed: Referrer detection issue Version 2.1.0 - March 09, 2016 - New: Introduced smart trigger to display module inline before / after post - New: Introduced widget for inline display of modules - New: Introduced new countdown style for Modal - New: Introduced ConvertPlus Addon installer feature in plugin itself - Improvement: Load custom admin page in customizer to avoid conflicts - Improvement: Moved inbuilt third party mailers into separate addon - Improvement: Load module's JS on respective pages only - Improvement: Display toggle button from initial load for Slide In & Info Bar - Improvement: Provided more comparison factors to single style analytics as like impression, conversion etc. - Fixed: "Something went wrong" error message when user is already subscribed - Fixed: Duplicate H1 issue in module content - Fixed: Date select issue in Analytics - Fixed: Reset analytics issue for multi variant styles - Fixed: Optimized shortcode variables - Fixed: Slide In z-index issue - Fixed: Module's trigger issue with manual launch triggers - Fixed: Warning errors of category archive page Version 2.0.1 - February 11, 2016 - Fixed: Leads submission data display issue at backend - Fixed: Cookies store issue Version 2.0.0 - February 10, 2016 - New: Introduced unlimited input field support for all forms & styles - New: Introduced Flexi style for Modal, now create unlimited modal structures from one style - New: Introduced Social Media style for Modal - New: Introduced Referral Detection trigger in Target Visitors setting - New: Introduced Clear Analytics functionality to all styles - Improvement: Provided height option for Blank style modal Version 1.1.1 - 20 January, 2015 - Improvement: Manual triggers support like shortocode, display inline for Info Bar & Slide In - Improvement: Push page down support for Info Bar - Improvement: Special pages (Frontpage / Blog Page / Search / 404 / Author / Archive) support in Target Pages setting - Fixed: Mozilla Firefox hyperlink issue Version 1.1.0 - 8 January 2015 - New: Introduced new module - Slide In - New: Introduced new trigger - At the end of post / page content - New: Introduced 3 brand new Info Bar styles - New: Introduced toggle button feature for Info Bar - Improvement: Conversion can calculate from submit button click as well - Improvement: Added border color option for Info Bar - Improvement: Provided default styling for Contact Form 7 added by shortcode Version 1.0.3 - 30 December 2015 - Fixed: Compatibility issue with mod_security - Fixed: Hyperlink issue of Info Bar module - Fixed: Info Bar import / export issue - Fixed: Scheduled Popup JS issue - Fixed: TripAdvisor js blocking issue - Improvement: Introduced new feature to display modal popup inline as a part of page content / widget - Improvement: Provided an option to disable modules on mobile / tab devices - Improvement: Provided an option to disable Google font loading at frontend Version 1.0.2 - 22 December, 2015 - Fixed: Modal not saving issue due to mod_security - Fixed: Redirect after subscription - Improvement: Connects List Version 1.0.1 - 17 December, 2015 - Fixed: Anchor tag color of default WP dashboard is hijacking through CP admin CSS - Fixed: License registration not working - Fixed: Modal / Info Bar loading priority for same trigger event - Improvement: Custom post type support for target pages - Improvement: Introduced new inline close link position for Info Bar - Improvement: JS optimization - Improvement: Quick view action button for behaviour settings Version 1.0.0 - 14 December, 2015 - Initial ConvertPlus Plugin